Awesome Bouncers
Find out what professionals think about SUNBOUNCE.
Jim Jordan
"What i like most about sunbounce©: it’s simple. You hold it up… you look at it… you just shoot the picture and it’s awesome! Another sunbounce© tool i like: the WIND-KILLER - it lets a bit of wind come through and keeps the hair nicely blowing without all these weird crosswinds. It saved my shoots a lot of times."
Tim Montoani
"Studio or location – there is nothing more suitable for my lifestyle photography than the sunbounce system. When the sun is too high, you can park the SUN-SWATTER right over the top of your subject to keep the sun from coming down on the model. It’s so versatile and lightweight. I just love all of the sunbounce tools!"
Greg Gorman
“Peter your SUNBOUNCE products are AWESOME! The SUNBOUNCE system is one of the best location as well as studio lighting tools, that I have ever worked with. It is fast, reliable and compact, giving me the quality of light needed for my shoots, I can now go on the road with a lighting solution that meets all my needs and is easily transportable. What else could I ask for?” © Greg Gorman 2005
Steve Thornton
“Peter, what a dramatic improvement to my output! At first glance in a photo store I thought SUNBOUNCE was too expensive, but I bought it anyway because after looking at the design and the construction I felt it had value, and as it turned out it is worth the cost. What I was not expecting however, was how it dramatically improved my productivity. A lot of my imagery is shot on the fly. The design of the SUNBOUNCE line allows rapid assembly therefore reducing the time needed to use it. After using one SUNBOUNCE reflector for 3 years I then proceeded to buy all sizes of the reflectors and the two SUN-SWATTERS available. I can, and I do, strongly recommend the SUNBOUNCE product line without any hesitation to other photographers.”
Nick Vedros
“SUNBOUNCE products are simply the best light control products on the market today. I love how lightweight and small they collapse. My crew is able to move them around with complete ease. They travel well, but we use them in the studio too.” Nick Vedros
Erin Manning
“I love to shoot outdoors in natural light and SUNBOUNCE products make it easy to create professional looking results with minimal effort. The reflectors and diffusers are lightweight, easy to transport and assemble, and they’re super durable. Since the tension of the panel surface makes it easy to control, I never have to worry about missing the magical moment due to fumbling with the reflector. The quality and direction of light and how it falls upon your subject can make or break a photograph, and SUNBOUNCE helps you control the light. The result: beautiful images.”
Art Brewer
“SUNBOUNCE ... Insane! The best thing since the electric strobe! It's the best reflector system I've ever used. The light quality is clean, even and beautiful! I'm spoiled that everything is so light, compact and easy to set up making it perfect for my locations and travel work. The best part is it’s sturdy even in the wind. No more clumsy big sheets of foam core and shiny board V-flats on our jobs. My Assistants love the reflectors and swatters and that everything is universal and the SUNBOUNCE GRIP SYSTEM helps leave you and your assistants with a free hand. To have to use any other system, I'd feel primitive.”
David Mecey
“It's the ULTIMATE! Peter, your SUNBOUNCE products are the best available. They are light, strong and extremely easy to transport. It is the ultimate in a durable system that works perfectly on location or in the studio. With the addition of the SUN-SWATTER, you continue to lead the field with your innovative lighting reflector designs. Thank you for your great light-modulating products that make my job easier, especially when delivering an important photo assignment.”
David Mecey
President FotoFantasyCamp WorkshopsMike Larson
“Peter, your SUNBOUNCE products make my images pop with vibrant colors! SUNBOUNCE makes my images... and separates me from the rest. When it comes down to lighting, it has to be perfect and amazing every time. The SUNBOUNCE line is better than any other product.”
Rolando Gomez
“Thrilling in studio and location, Peter! Years ago I was introduced to the SUNBOUNCE system for outdoor shooting and, until a trip to Cozumel, I thought it was for outdoor use only, boy was I wrong. I thought my trip was ruined when on the first shooting day we were faced with storm clouds, thunder and rain throughout, though we still managed to get one beautiful sunset in – thanks to SUNBOUNCE. I basically set the MINI reflector about 15 ft. from the model, with the Zebra side toward the model, and pointed my flash head straight in the middle of the reflector. The flash instantly became my sun, the MINI reflector became my main light source (modifier) and the Zebra fabric gave me that much needed warm tone that I've learned to appreciate.”
Michael Grecco
“SUNBOUNCE helps me control the natural light, which gives me a better base for me to then light my shot. I use it to modify and enhance the light of my outdoor images. I have even used it to light the interiors of a room from the outside. I love my SUNBOUNCE gear.”
Richard Hume
“Peter, SUNBOUNCE reflectors produce such GREAT light! I have been using the SUNBOUNCE reflectors for some time now and really love working with them. In the 20 plus years I have been working as a fashion photographer I have used many different types of reflectors but none that are as light, strong and travel friendly. Because I travel and shoot on location so much the SUNBOUNCE reflectors have proven themselves over and over again. And, I love that I can change from a soft, natural white, to a silver in just a few seconds. This is especially helpful when shooting in unstable conditions when the sun is in and out. When the sun disappears behind a cloud we just flip over to silver and continue shooting. The SUNBOUNCE products allow me the tools it takes to create the kind of images that my clients count on me for.”